Saturday, January 31, 2009

Look At ME - I'm Twittering

Aren't I the coolest thing since sliced bread :) Thanks Stephanie for inviting me. I guess I was too uncool to ever think about twittering. Now I can bore everyone two ways - my blog (if I ever get around to updating it) and Twitter!!!


Stephanie. said...

how did you post your twitter?

Harmony said...

I totally twittered you, but you TOTALLY ignored me, you bitchy woman.

(if your mom reads this blog, I'm VERY VERY sorry)

(Twittering takes me back to high school where I was a bad ass--but still afraid of people's mothers!)


Erin said...

Stephanie - I posted my twitter through the twitter website - don't ask me how exactly!

Harmony - I know, I know, I am a bitchy woman :) And don't worry, mom doesn't even know how to work a computer let alone read my blog!