Monday, September 7, 2009

So Long Summer...Minnesota Style

Unlike San Diego and Phoenix, Minnesota actually has seasons, and I hear that any day it should be snowing. Ok, not really, but this California Girl is having a hard time picturing that yes, the day will come in the near future when it will get cold outside and this white stuff will start falling from the sky. And not San Diego/Phoenix cold where we turn into "weather wimps" and complain how cold it is and that we actually have to put the flip-flops away (gasp!) and put on a sweatshirt.

In other news, we had a pretty busy summer. The middle of August we went to Phoenix - I had to go for work and I made Adam come with. IT WAS WONDERFUL to be back in that glorious dry air! This was our first visit back to Phoenix since we've moved here, and I didn't think I had really missed it, but I actually missed Phoenix! Let me be more specific, I missed the food! Ok, i missed my co-workers too :) But back to the food - Adam ended up eating Mexican food for five consecutive days - I had a few, but it's hard to get good Mexican at the Phoenix Convention Center. Here's a restaurant-run-down: Rosa's in Mesa, Valle Luna, The Gelato Spot, Lolo's Chicken and Waffles. Adam made it to Ranch Market 2 days in a row, while I ate Rubios and Chic-Fil-A at work. Our rule was to eat at places we could not eat at here, which wasn't too hard.

Last weekend we went to the Minnesota State Fair and ate ourselves silly (do you notice a pattern here, Erin likes food!) Mini-donuts, funnel cake, fried fruit on a stick, cheese curds, Sweet Martha's Chocolate Chip Cookies, and ice cream from the Dairy Building. We walked around all the exhibits, got free crap, the usual fair type stuff.

Mom and Dad will be back out in October for another visit - Mom and I are going to the Time Out for Women Conference and Dad plans on doing a whole lot of nothing :) We're going to check out some museums and of course EAT. When they were here in June we had Jucy-Lucys at 5-8 Club and of course Culvers, hit the Mall of America and the Outlet Mall in Albertville. This time will be a little more low-key.

Well there is our summer in a nut-shell. My goal is to actually update this thing every once in a while, but don't hold your breath :)