Saturday, May 3, 2008


...and I can't even sleep in! I've been awake since 6:15am!!!

Not much to report on, same old same old. I'm getting my haircut this morning. I found a gal at church who owns her own salon so I'm giving her a try. It's so hard when you move to a new city and have to find a new person to cut your hair! I was totally spoiled at Supercuts - I knew who the good stylists were as well as the ones to stay away from - and it was FREE! It's so hard for me to actually PAY to get my hair cut :( But, the show must go on, and I will pay and I will like it!

I bought some more scrapbooking supplies this week. I finally started our "travel book" - it's not really a scrapbook per se because I refuse to make it look all cutesy. It's more a book with pictures and information about the places we've traveled in Arizona. So far we've been to Sedona and Tucson and we saved every little brochure and piece of information worth saving.

AND...we finally put wedding pictures in FRAMES!!! Can you believe it, we've only been married almost 9 months!!!

Well, time to eat breakfast and get ready for my haircut...we'll chat more later!


Harmony said...

I sooooo feel you on finding a new person to cut your hair! I'm so dreading having to do it again (and I'm not even going from FREE haircuts)

I'm so happy you're posting! Wowee!