Wednesday, May 21, 2008

You Know You're From San Diego When...OR Why San Diego is better than Phoenix (with whining, I mean commentary from Erin)

Your high school had a surf team. (Nope, we were ghetto, gun cleaning club maybe)

You can correctly pronounce: Tierrasanta, La Jolla, Rancho Penasquitos, San Ysidro, Otay Mesa, Jamacha, Jamul, Cuyamaca, and El Cajon. (Yes Sir I can...but if I could only figure out why they call Prescott "Preskit" and Payson "Paysown")

There are four distinct seasons: Summer, Not Quite Summer, Almost Summer, and Oh Hey! Look Its Summer Again. (Phoenix Seasons - hot, hot, hey we broke a record today, and my shoes are melting)

Chula-juana is a real town. (Just as real as Nasty City)

Your house is worth more than some small countries. (Sad, but true)

You know what MB, OB, IB and PB stand for. (Now its AJ and QC...just not the same)

Every street name is either in Spanish or Spanish related, and you're surprised when other areas don't have this. (I lived on "L" Avenue, so not very Spanish...but you would be surprised how often we received mail for "El" Avenue)

You can determine the accuracy of someone's "I'm ghetto" claim by knowing their high school. i.e.: El Camino High School or Crawford High School. (Hilltop High School = ghetto, but not Crawford or Morse ghetto, a different kind of ghetto as in white kids being ghetto...also know as HillPOT)

You see weather forecasts for four different climate zones in the same county, and aren't remotely surprised. Ah, The Micro Climate Weather. (I miss the Micro Climate Weather and Matt Baylow...but now I've moved on to Bill Bellis and seeing how many days we've gone without rain and how many days this summer we'll be over 110)

You've gone to Mt. Soledad in July and know you still need a jacket. (July and jacket in the same sentence???)

You've tailgated at Qualcomm Stadium, and for a bonus point, also tailgated when it was Jack Murphy Stadium. (Qualcomm = yes, Jack Murphy = no, but nothing beats Chase Field - its just like Petco, but with no views and the roof closes and they turn the AC on...sad, just sad)

You have a favorite- the WAP or the Zoo. (Nothing beats the San Diego Zoo)

You've been on a field trip to see an IMAX movie at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center (Yup - 6th grade)

You still call it the Del Mar Fair. (I will ALWAYS call it the Del Mar Fair and for the record the Arizona State Fair is GHETTO)

You say "I'm going to the track" and people know what you mean. (Yup...although I've never won)

You understand what May-Gray and June-Gloom are. (Yup, now its May-HOT, June-HOTTER, July-HOTTEST, August-KILL ME NOW)

A famous skateboarder or surfer lives in your town. (Hmm...I don't think we had any in National City, maybe famous gang members or drug lords. Wikipedia says Gail Devers and Sam Walton aka Mr. Wal-Mart who's house was actually a few streets over from mine)

You have no problem determining where North County, South Bay, and East County begin, but have no idea if or where Central County or West anything is. ( everything runs into each I in Mesa or Gilbert? Maybe Chandler)

"Mossy Nissan! Mossy Nissan! Mossy Nissan Moves You!" (No fun jingles here...)

You know what it means when two guys are walking in Hillcrest. (Does Phoenix even have a Hillcrest? Not that I'm looking...)

You know what it means when a girl in a skirt is walking on El Cajon Blvd. (I'm sure they're here too)

You've gotten stuck in the Horton Plaza parking structure traffic after a Padres game. (I never parked there for Padres games, but I've gotten lost many times in Horton Plaza)

You know what "The Merge" is, and will plan your entire day around not being on it during rush hour. (The good old Merge, now its the 101 which is ALWAYS under construction just like the rest of Phoenix)

You've been to Belmont Park. (Yup, at night even....scary!)

You've ridden the little Fire Engine and the Train at Balboa Park. (Fire Engine = No, Train = yes. I made Adam ride the train too...)

You've taken the Coaster and laughed at people sitting in traffic on the 5. (Nope, I was stuck in traffic)

You call it "The 5" and the "The 805" as if they were important landmarks. (It will ALWAYS be "the 5", "the 805" - inside family joke..."I took the 5 to the 805 to the 54)

You know the difference between Clairemont Mesa, Kearny Mesa, and Mira Mesa and maybe you remember Serra Mesa too. (Kinda...see above reference to Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert)

You've gone to Sea World on a warm day and sat in the first few rows at the Shamu Show to get cooled off. (Um'll never catch me in the front row)

You've been delayed at the Border Checkpoints on the 5 and the 15. (Too many times...yes officer I am a US Citizen and no I don't have any fruit in the car)

There are more bands than people in Ocean Beach. (I guess...was never my scene)

Your house doesn't have air conditioning. (No AC at the O'Connell's. I would die if we didn't have it now, did I mention it gets hot here?)

You know it's San Diegan, not San Diegoan, or San Diegoite. (Amen!)

Everyone has their favorite beach, and no two are the same. (Coronado for sure, they have the "Tempe Beach" here...get this - a man made beach!! HA!)

No matter what the weather is, there is always someone walking around in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. (It is part of the SDSU dress code that you will wear flip-flops everyday, rain or it is here too. A side note, my brother wears shorts EVERYDAY)

You live on, near or are surrounded by hills. (Not really, we didn't have those things in the ghetto)

You hate tourists and their bad driving. "GET OFF THE ROAD ARIZONA, NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE. SERIOUSLY, GO HOME!" "SAY NO TO ZONIES!" (For all of you who thought I was kidding...sorry, but Zonie is a derogatory term in SD)

You have family and/or friends that have moved to Arizona. (---> raises hand)

You used to, and sometimes still do, ride the carousel at Seaport Village. (Best Carousel ever! Don't forget the golden rings!)

You know someone who doesn't own pants, and have a neighbor who doesn't seem to own a shirt. (Andrew = doesn't own pants, but I think my neighbors wore shirts)

You know what Santa Ana's are and that they have nothing to do with the city of Santa Ana. (I live in a constant Santa Ana...)

If the menu doesn't have California burritos on it, forget it, its not authentic Mexican Food. (RANT TIME - Ok, they seriously call them "Arizona Burritos" here, oh I'm sorry "Burros" just has wrong written all over it)

And if you're NOT from San Diego, well, that's too bad. Lo Siento! (Now you know why I can't bring myself to change my cell number to a Phoenix number)


Harmony said...

Hyperventilating over the LENGTH OF THIS POST. Holy crap, you rule.

So being "from" San Diego for two whole years (I know! Big whoopee!) I LOVE this. Especially Nasty City. HA!

Erin said...

Don't be too impressed...I didn't come up with that list, I stole it from someone on MySpace!